
COVID-19 Alert ​​​​​​​

If you think you have been exposed to COVID‑19 and develop
fever and symptoms, such as cough or difficulty breathing,
call your healthcare provider for medical advice.
Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
For informational purposes only. Consult your local medical authority for advice.

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Acupuncture, Homeopathy, and COVID19

In this hard time with COVID19 virus pandemic, two major concerns are:

  1. Preventing from covid19 virus infection
  2. Dealing with the stress of this situation

Hopefully, Acupuncture and natural treatment methods are significantly helpful in both areas.


We have two types of prevention:

  • The first essential thing to prevent is to care about contact and touch the infected areas or persons. Following the rules of sanitizing, using masks and social distance are very useful and essential to prevent us against this virus. But the COVID19 virus is very contagious with a straightforward spreading behavior, and The probability of getting the infection is high. Here the role of the second line of prevention is significant.

  • The second line of prevention If we contact with COVID19 virus is our body immune system. A healthy and balanced body has the most potent and effective defense mechanism, which protects us against any external and internal disease. If this mechanism by any cause doesn’t work correctly, the viruses, microbes, or any infections can invade the body, and we get sick. Acupuncture and natural treatment methods by harmonizing and balancing the body, enhance the strength of the Immune system, and optimizes our body defense mechanism to works at the highest healthy level. This strengtheneth Immune system will help to prevent the body from getting sick if contact with the covid19 virus.

Stress Management

After the covid19 pandemic, many people are experiencing a hard time due to emotional pressure, financial hardship, and stressful situation. Acupuncture and natural treatment methods role as a powerful treatment for anxiety, stress, and emotional disasters are well known for many years. And many types of researches and experiences showed the positive effect of these methods to bring down stress and anxiety by harmonizing the emotion, body, and mind.

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