
About Tabib Holistic Health

Dr. Majid R Tabibzadeh

Dr. Majid R Tabibzadeh

Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

California Licensed Acupuncturist

NCCAOM Certified Acupuncturist

M.D. background(Iran)


​​​​​​​Dr. Tabibzadeh graduated as an MD (1998) outside the U.S. and practiced medicine as a physician in hospitals, clinics, and private offices for 12 years. He got his Homeopathic license (In Iran) in 2006, and start practicing homeopathy. He is a California-licensed Acupuncturist who after doing his Master of Science in Oriental Medicine from South Baylo University CA, got his Doctorate degree in acupuncture (DACM) from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine, San Diego, CA. His specialties are working with balance methods for managing acute and chronic pain effectively. He treats lower back pain, arthritis, neck pain, and knee pain. He balances the body’s harmony for treating anxiety, depression, insomnia, GI problems, urinary disorders, and women’s health as well.

Dr. Tabibzadeh is educated and highly skilled in not just acupuncture, but three medical modalities, including having trained and practiced as a medical doctor with a high level of skill and perspective, and is able to treat effectively as an acupuncturist drawing from his wealth of knowledge and experience.

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